Ok, so just a quick one today as it's already 6.50am and I've been awake (but not up) since 5am thanks to Ethan and his new sleeping habits! I did get him to lay in bed with me and talk for about an hour, but I'm still up, we're still here and we've still got our pj's on....!
Today should be a busy one. I've had a couple of party plan things lately; a liquor tasting night (without tasting any, which was an achievement considering I still bought stuff!); a clothes party (posted about a few days ago); and I did an Enjo demo a couple weeks ago that I've just taken delivery of. The first two I am actually receiving items from, and they should be here today, in the arms of my friend Sam. I'm very, very excited about them, because I get to finally show my partner what I bought him as a bit of a surprise. We don't usually do presents unless it's actually celebrating something, in fact, buying Crunchy Nut Cornflakes for him is a bit of a celebration around here, but next tuesday when he arrives home I'll be presenting him with a lovely bottle of bourbon as a gift for just being great (most of the time, anyway - he's not the messiah for goodness sake!).
I've got an ante natal appointment today, as we are at week 36 (or is it 37?). Hopefully the doctor will be able to give me some sort of indication about how the bub is going in terms of delivery, which I'm very nervous about. My partner is due home only 2 days before our due date and if he's away when the bub decides to arrive, I could be in a bit of a pickle. So fingers crossed all's going well and the baby will get to stay in the dark until then at least!
I've also got to go and get an apple corer. I don't have one, and I'm about to try my hand at dehydrating some apples today. So that's a job for first thing this morning, Ethan and I are going to grab some fresh milk and an apple corer to start up the dehydrator I borrowed from my friend the other day.
So a busy day here today, and hopefully all will go well and smoothly. We might wrap it up with a trip to the creek, and give Ethan what could be a last chance at wearing his gumboots before the heat arrives and dries up all the water over there!
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