We are lucky enough to live across the road from a creek. It doesn't always flow, only usually when there's been significant rain, but the frogs usually let us know when there's been enough for them to approve. This year, Ethan was old enough for his first pair of gumboots, as although we'd visited the creek before, he noticed that some of the other neighbourhood kids didn't stay out of the water - they had those special boots that you couldn't destroy on! So we went down to a local store and got a pair on sale for about $8. They have trains on one side, which is a great thing to teach you how to put them on the right feet! He'll line them up right and then say "trains on the outside" before putting them on.
So yesterday afternoon, after the drizzle had stopped from a day and a half's rain, he went and grabbed his boots from the laundry cupboard and informed me that we had to go check the creek. It wasn't flowing anymore, not rigourously, anyway, and the animals were mostly back out - especially the ants and the mozzies! We had a very amatuer lesson on what ants do (my apologies to all future science teachers, as I am sure that the reason the walk in a line in NOT because they're following a teeny tiny road), and why mozzies bite if we don't go inside at a decent time.
And then we followed the creek to see if we could find some frogs or ducks. We didn't, and often don't because my eyesight for well-disguised frogs is appalling, and there is a lake up the road that the ducks enjoy a whole lot more than a creek that isn't running.
After our meander we returned home to some yummy muffins for afternoon tea -the orange afternoon tea cake ones that we'd made a while back and I'd frozen a couple for just such a treating time.
So I think I did a good job on the mummy-front yesterday. Today isn't going to be very adventurous, as we've got a few things to achieve around the house and since deciding that full-time mummyhood and no work for as long as possible it has meant metering out the petrol use to do several things at once if we leave the house. And today we just don't need to leave the house to do anything significant enough to warrant the use of the car. We might go adventuring somewhere, even over to the lake with the stale left-over bread, but we'll just see what the boss would like to do first!
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