Tuesday, February 9, 2010

I've been busy with both hands....

I'm sorry I am not going to be doing a long post. But there is good reason...I made this blanket, for my friend who's having a baby soon. It has created a knitting demon in the house, all because of Ravelry. What an amazing site! I can highly recommend that you go there, your friends go there, and anyone who loves to knit or crochet goes there. I've been lost there for days...and don't want to be found!

Have an amazing week everyone. I've been doing better than only a few weeks ago, and can't help but think that aside from all the assistance I've been getting for Ethan, in the form of remedies, that this new creative outlet has also helped.

Oh, and for anyone who's into hearing about the changes that others make in their conscious living, I have decided that we are only eating chicken products that have come from humane sources. Free range and roaming all the way!!! I made the change standing at the meat section of the supermarket the other day. Now to find a source that sells it in bulk, so the price is more competitive, and my mission will be easier on the pocket!


  1. alright! congrats on ditching the torture chicken! from what i understand, beef is bad, but chicken is worse, so it's a good place to take a stand.
    and good for you, how few posts you do. i know it seems silly to hope for your fave bloggers to post less frequently, but since it means your quality of life is probably up, it makes me happy for you ;)

  2. hi - thanks for visiting my blog. Regarding the free range chicken, I have just found a free-range meat/chicken/eggs company in Perth and they deliver. www.farmfreshlambcompany.com.au. I haven't tried their chicken but their beef is the best we've ever had! They run a really great service.

  3. Excellent blankie! I LOVE Ravelry too - thanks for checking out our blog - we're always happy to have a new reader. ;) - Erin


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